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  编者按:在国际性学术刊物上发表文章的数量和质量是衡量一- 个国家、-一个机构乃至-一个科学工作者学术水平和地位的重要标志之- -。怎样有效地、有针对性地提高广大专业技术人员、教师和研究生在sCI .SSCI.
  一股来说 ,语言的使用分为口语和书面语,后者以前者为基础,但两者在语体上有明显差刑。书面语具有不同于口语的语言特征,如比较严谨.准确等。由于使用范围、目的、形式上的差别,书面语又可以分为若干类,如科学语体、文学语体政论语体等。学术论文属于科学语体,是科学工作者用来记录学术积累,展示科研成果,使之得到社会承认并广为传播的有效手段。这种以学术交流为目的而使用的诺言,是“一种限定的语言,服务于限定领域的经验和行为,这种语言有其自身的语法和词汇特征”
  (Fith. 1957).因此,其语言使用的特点也正如有的语言学家很早就指出的那样:“旬子长,多用复杂的名词和形容词短语,多用非限定的从句和短语,不定式,多用'obe'甸型、条件句主语从句、被动语态等”
  (Baber ,1962)。这些不司的谌言特点,构成了科学文体的基本特征。
  我们发现“语体感”不强是一- 个明显的失误一书面论文中的口语体较多,书面体与口语体混用的现象比较普遍。
  例1 In this paper, we have given a reason that iswhy tbe couptitie ability of the national fims is weak.
  Because the nor national fims can get very cheap labor ,under the sane technical and econical conditions andthe same cost ,a nour national fim can poduce more out-put than a national fim does, s0 it can gain mich morepofit. In this way,the ompetitive ability of the nor nortioml firm is stonger than the mationl fim...
  这段文字的表意是清楚的,也没有语法错误,但话段中的画线部分we have given a reason thal is whty...。Because ... get, o, In this way等串连使用,在论文中明显口语体味重。又如:例2 This paper will eplore the analytical comprnents and ammlies of adnialty jurisdiction as it relates 如marine insurance and will conjupalte. i证you will. the irregular verb " that costitules adniraly juisdiction of merrine insurance coniracts. I think 。admiralty junisdictionshould include all maritime contmacts. My study has corfirmed tbe suying that ...
  这段文字同样较为通顺,但其中也有语体不够-致的地方,特别是在严谨、庄重的书面表达中,突然插入if you wll., Ithink, my sudy. the sayin...等这类比较口语化的间语,便遭成两种不同语体的混用。
  用词正式.词义专- -是学术论文准确表达的需要,也是科学论文书面沼体与口语语体的区别之一。
  而在有些专业论文中,我们却看到如下句子:例3..Bu by tbe eperimet they found out thatit is made of two inpotant gases and very small amouns ofothers.
  例4 A reseroir is neardy always bigher thn thetwwm to which it sends the wamer,0 that gnwity gives tbepush wthich carnies the water though pipes to bouses.
  例3面线部分中的found out可以理解为“发现”.还可以理解为“找出”,甚至“查明”;而“"s mdeol可以理解为“由构成” ,也可以理解为“用制造" ,因此可能造成歧义。- -般来说,在“日常英语"中,由“动询+副调介词"构成的短语动词比比皆是,如c∞me of, do for, moke up等。这类短溶动词往往不止一种含义,商且常常难以确定。在这类情况下,与专业论文时往往要用意义比较明號的单个动词来代替,如用aboro表示take in.用diswwer表示find ou.究其原固,一- 是这种动词词义更确切如用obene表示“观察”.比用bok at 更严密。
  二是这种动间较为“正式”适用于增加学术气氛如tansrnt 比pas on更适合表达“传输”这个概念。三是这种动词简法.用起来方便,有时可以代表一一连串词的意思。如rsipopeate(往复活动等于mve buck-wards and forwmrds ima stmigt line.例4中的划线部分虽能表达猜楚,但用词不太正式,学术味似嫌不足。
  根据_上述分析和科学论文的语体要求,例3可改为:Bu by lbe expenmedt it was iveed thu it orits of two important gases and very small anunts ol olrem.例4可改为A rserwir is realy alwaoys bigher thanthe 1owm Do which it sends the wller, 3 that the gmailyponides the presure which trouspouts tbe water thughpipes t如hous句式的平衡和多样会增加英诺论文的可读性,但句型单谓.语甸失衡的情形在英语论文中却戴为常见。如(小括号内是句于顺序的编号) :例s(1) Coupueriaed sytem CaD operue in oneof three modes. (2) Tbe openating mnodes are betch paorcessing, renpte batch piocesing , and tine share procering. (3) Cuawenioual batcb pocessing net all but oDe ofthe design rogrurmrmrs.. (4) The exception was accestbility. (5) Batch procsing could provide ouput如devensied , remple keations in a timely mamer. (6) Rermtle bitch poessing,as tbe niane implies , condd pronidehiuch procesing m remole beations. (7) 1 coud由taisthough the ase of teletyperwriter temuals a ouput de-vices (8) Unfotumstely, the reporse time for remotehulch pocesingn is upredcable. (9) ■caln vary form afew mioumes to several bours.
  从句首的多样化方图来看(1)名间短谌(courputeried sysem) :(2)名词矩语(the operating mde ;(3)名词短谱ouertoma herch poesing) ;(4)名词短语(tbhe ecpion) :(5)名词矩语(bucb posing)! ;(6)名词短语(rmmle herch procesng) ;(7)代词(i); .
  (8)副词(umbortustely ;(9)代词(i)。
  改进后,可请性明显增强了:Compuenzed ydem can opematle in ome of threemdes: butch paocessing 。repme bautch pocesing, andtime- shore pocessing Fxcopt for. acesiblity, comwertiool bulch parcessing can met all the design require-ments; but it canot paovide ouap镇tb dversified 。reomekoeations in timely mmer. Rempte batch pacessing.8stbe name implies。can pomide butch poesing at reapolebetors tiogh tetpe sriter teninals,. Unfotunately 。
  its reponse time ig upredictable。saping fom a feow mirutes w several bours.

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